Saturday, October 20, 2012

How are you all doing? 5-23-2012

May 23, 2012 – How are you all doing?

Hello Everyone!  How are you all doing?  This is an honest question, feel free to post and converse.

Personally, it’s been quite a ride since August 2011(it was actually prior to that, but I became aware in August). 

In August, I started on a journey of returning to my “true self”, if you will.  My “true heart flame”, “the soul I was born with”.  I have found my “true, whole essence”.

October’s Whirlpool Moon really kicked it into gear.  The energy helped clear away all that was holding me back and weighing me down.

December really slammed me.  That is when I really started to tackle all of my “webs of delusion”.  The “blinding binders”, all the excuses and obstacles that I created for myself due to “fear of abandonment and illusions of isolation”, were being identified.

January was all about reweaving a new web.  Creating my reality based on my renewed & reviewed perspective.  Completely turned my beliefs upside down and downside up. LOL.  It was a very confusing time.  I thought I was going to fall deep into the Rabbit Hole, never to return.

Well I survived January, then February was a trip.  Did anyone see the movie, “August Rush”?  Or watch the show “Touch”?  That is what February was like.  Like watching a grand, cosmic orchestra playing notes that lead us all to where we want to be.  Does that make sense? 

It’s been like that ever since. I find myself having those “ah ha” moments, all day, every day.  Intense, wonderful, exciting, painful, rewarding, beautiful, horrifying, much needed and asked for change and forward movement.  There was a lot of crying, screaming, laughing, wailing, snot running down your face blubbering . . . . all worth it.

During my spiritual journey/personal quest, I have lost 70 lbs. (on purpose), my husband is no longer diabetic, my family has grown much closer and wonderful friends from my childhood are coming back into my life in droves, new wonderful people too. It’s fabulous!
These first five months have gone by so incredibly fast.  I am very excited to see what the rest of 2012 will bring. Are you excited?
As one of my teachers say, “Know it, Grow it and Show it”.  This is in reference to your true self.  I feel like I finally know it again and have been growing it . . . . . . now I am starting to show it.

Do you know yourself?  Do you take responsibility for yourself, your choices and actions?  Do you leave your life in the hands of fate?  Do you go back and forth between the two?  Are you waiting to be saved or trying to save others?

2012 – know yourself very well.  Claim your spirit and your power or something else will ;)

(If you know him, you heard a lot of Orion Foxwood quotes).
Blessings to you and yours on your very personal journey.

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