Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blue Moon, Health and Wisdom - 8-17-2012 through 9-16-2012

 Once in a Blue Moon

Reading for 8-17-2012 through 9-16-2012: Blue Moon, Health and Wisdom
By Kim Renee, Valley Psychic

New Moon entered Virgo today, plus we have second Full Moon this Month.  It’s a Blue Moon, in Pisces, plus Mercury enters Virgo.  Hmmm!  I am not the astrology expert, but it sounds like a good time to tie up some “loose ends”, so to speak.  Finishing what was started earlier this year, or quickly jumping all over what you know was nagging at you, but you avoided.  This is the season of Harvest.  Time to reap what was sewn. 

Being very clear and precise about what you’d like to accomplish is extremely important.  Do you think Olympians could win Gold Medals without an extremely clear vision of what they want to accomplish? 

The universe hears your requests, the question is . . . . . do you really know what you truly want?  Have you clearly put that out to the universe, in whatever manner suits you?  Was it clear, rather than vague?  Even more importantly, did you take action, here on the physical plane?  Virgo requires precision and reaching your goals.  On the negative side, this energy could feed fear, obsession, compulsion, paranoia, illness and the like.

Love, light and compassion are trying to shine through.  Many are allowing that love, light and compassion to shine through them.  Many are also afraid, anxious, stubborn and trying to control their way through this energy.

There will be a lot of pressure to conform to the “norm”, a push to conform to social pressure.  I keep hearing “birds of a feather, flock together”.  More weeding out of things, habits or people that are no longer healthy for you – like an alchemical burning away of impurities. I believe we are still in the Putrefaction stage, which is like part A of Stage 5, of the alchemical process and now we’re moving into part B of Stage 5, Fermentation. I now see that is what most of the fire energy was in last months reading. 

Fermentation is the rising of that inner passion, Kundalini, Chi, life force/source, living energy in the body; in the earth; in the Universe that aids in healing the body, mind, spirit, earth, universe.  This is a time of more truths being spoken, verbally and vibrationally.  For instance, lets say you’ve had this burning desire to start eating healthy, but have just ignored it or haven’t found that inner desire.  That energy will rise anyway.  If you don’t use it to your advantage it can burn you so bad that you have no choice, but to take care of your issues or die.  If financial, may end up jobless or homeless.

This being 2012 and all, it really does feel like were in the 5th Stage, probably moving into the 6th stage (Distillation) of the alchemical process – which is even more purification and even higher vibrations.

Now for the Tarot Reading:

The Tarot cards are showing a rough first week, starting today. Lots of taking and pushiness – enough is enough energy (Ten of Swords) also health issues. 

Second week shows relief financially and more clearing up of love/family matters.  A new job or source of income may arrive, if your eyes are wide open.

Third week is all about creating protection and seeing who you can truly trust. Have patience, sit and observe then the true friends/lovers remain. 

Fourth week, apply that wisdom you gained in third week regarding “love & friends” to finances. Careful with who you trust with money or who you hire or any business partnerships.  Also, spend less money, you will see some relief in last week of September.  Some down time and recovery time or alone time doing what you enjoy will keep you out of the line of fire.  A renewed love of self during this fourth week too, if you remain patient and don’t take anything too personally.

In conclusion, try to stay true to who you are and follow your heart.  Try to not let harsh words or actions of others bring you down.  A smile and hug can go a long way.  It’s difficult to keep smiling when things are tough, but it’s just another moment.  Enjoy the present, it’s a gift.

Rock on and enjoy life.

BY Kim Renee – Valley Psychic

Commitment, without Confinement - 7-17-2012 through 8-17-2012

Reading for 7-17-2012 through 8-17-2012: Commitment, without confinement.
By Kim Renee, Valley Psychic

Hello.  Checking out my view on the energy flow for the next month.  For the second half of July 2012, it looks like the majority of disruption, change or chaos is going to be brought about with lots of verbalizations.  Expressing opinions and emoting feelings that have been stuffed down for a very long time.  A sort of “emotional vomit”.  This can be helpful, depending on how it is delivered.  “Throwing it up”, may be the only way some people can get rid of it. 

Commitment or confinement?  Depends on perspective.
So on the downside; be prepared for verbal attacks and character assassinations, seemingly, out of the blue.  For some, there will still be a slow build, a bubbling up of emotions that won’t be emoted or expressed until after August 1st.  Those who are seemingly very calm during rest of July, may blow a gasket in August.

The rest of July is still digging into that Mother energy.  On the upside, people are going to finally tell you how they truly feel!  It’s about time.  It feels like a “get it all out in the open” energy.  Digging up all that stuff that was buried.  I am sure some people will handle this very well and use it to their advantage.  I hope I do.  I have already been caught up in the emotional roller coaster a few times.

Driving is a huge issue right now.  If people aren’t expressing in a healthy manner, it’s bound to come out anyway.  Have you been on the road lately?  It’s a free for all!  No grid or rhythm to it.  Discord. Total chaos!  Some people are totally aware, but in a huge hurry.  Some must have a lack of control in their lives, because they want to control what speed you’re going and which lane you’re getting in?  This one baffles me.  Some are taking this gracefully and some to new lows.  Beware of accidents.  There have already been so many more than usual.  It’s been daily.

This takes us into August.  Little reminder of fire danger, very dry out.  August is more monumental movement.  Many people who are trying to avoid change, ignore problems, escape from reality and the like – are more likely to experience some forced change in August.  The cards are showing me that it is coming in the form of illness (physical and mental), car accident (or other random accident), sudden losses of loved ones, being uprooted and moving.  Some losses of jobs and ended relationships.

As usual, the outcome depends on your view of things and how you handle these upcoming changes.  The cards are showing me, that to come out the other end, feeling good, there is lots of surrender involved with just the right amount of resolve. 

For me, the only thing I can control, is myself and my reactions to things.  I see it will be better with less confinement and constriction.  Loosen the stranglehold.  As the song says, “Hold on loosely, but don’t let go”.  Stick to your guns and be true to yourself.  Look at the death of things past, as an opportunity for something new.  Depend on your own gut, then seek confirmation if you still doubt.  Then check with your gut again. 

I get The Wheel.  Ride the emotional roller coaster, but step off to be by yourself to readjust, before you jump back on.  Sacrifice yourself, unto yourself.  This is a revisiting of deep core beliefs.  Changes in opinion and basic moral structures.

August has some great energy to help rid you of that which doesn’t support your new belief system.  Getting rid of that which no longer serves and making room for that which does.  August will have lots of battles, choose them wisely.  There is lots of self-sabotage whenever there is chance for great change.  This is another one of those times.

It can be rough.  The cards are telling me that it is good to get your feelings out on paper, then read and re-read.  Set it down for a day, then re-read again.  If you still feel the same, then verbalize it or give the person the letter.  If you see you may have been overreacting or just emotional that day, then burn or bury it.  It can save you a lot of heartache during this next month.

There is also something coming up about judging self and others too harshly for how money is made.  Really?  People gotta live.  You can choose who to support and who not to.  To each his own.

Lots of jealously too.  It’s been really creeping up lately.  That is something I don’t get either.  I am happy for the success of others and myself J

Sekhmet – Transformation, fierce compassion and healer is coming up in this reading along with The Dove – Initiate, Innocence, Trust (aka the fool) and The Tree of Life – Bast, Anubis, and Osiris.   For me, this means to firmly stand your ground, stay true to yourself, be ready for joyful transformation and use fierce compassion to help to heal and join in love, rather than hurt and cage in fear.  Be ready to rip someone’s heart out, with love, if that is what is needed to bring about the change and healing.  Anubis, surrender self-unto self, like Odin.  Surrender to your true and innermost desires, based on your new framework. Note: Sekhmet was birthed through the loving, yet righteous rage of Ra, through his right eye.  Another confirmation of standing your ground, in love, with compassion, but fiercely with firm resolve.

Something else coming up . . . . I know . . . . this is a long one.  Money!  It’s been rough this month.  A change in how money is made.  More small business and individuals starting their own things.  Branching out.  Out of the corporate structures that haven’t been working, into a more free-flowing economy.  So, in order to make more money, time to think outside of box.  Take risks.  I am going to Vegas ;)

One more quick thing.  Relationships.  Just as we’re fighting for equal rights in marriage (gay, straight, bi, whatever), it’s funny that so many people are moving towards polyamory rather than monogamy.  Again, hold on loosely, but don’t let go.  Letting who you love, be who they truly are, is a beautiful thing.  Commitment, without confinement is key.

The more love you let ooze out all over everyone, the better ;)

I always wanted to be alive in the 60’s!  This is even better!  Hold on, cleaning my rose colored glasses.  Damn, they broke. Lol.

Until next month, Party on dude! 

BY Kim Renee – Valley Psychic

Current Energy Flow - 7-4-2012 through 7-13-2012

Checking Out the Current Energy Flow
7-4-2012 through 7-13-2012
Players involved: Tarot Reading for L.A. Area;
The Successful Goat Moon – Capricorn Full Moon;
Friday the 13th and Uranus going Retrograde

How did the Full Moon in Capricorn treat you?  It was named “The Successful Goat Moon & Blessing Moon” in Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2012.  I guess it depends on how you look at it and what happened in your world that day.

Personally, I could feel the tension building for a week (pms involved for me though, lol).  I thought it was just me, but heard from some friends who also felt like the energy was rough yesterday.

Priorities and boundaries seemed to be at the forefront of the energy this last week.  Especially after everyone just finished with Venus Transit Energy June 27th, I think.  For instance, since I have been putting my health on the “back burner” and focusing on work, I got sick.  Felt like I’d been hit by a truck.  I am now paying attention to my health again.  So, a blessing in disguise for me.  How was it for you?

Now for the tarot reading from now till Friday the 13th.  The reading is bringing up root changes in the area.  A deep, common understanding, unity in diversity a growing balance and acceptance.  An opportunity for rebirth, especially of communities, families and lovers.  Enjoying the journey and pursuing happiness.  Some fun in the sun perhaps?

A new spark of passion and drive with the birth of some new business partnerships, friendships and lover(s).  Great time to respark the sexual energy in your current relationship (seems to be a reoccurring theme in my blogs, lol).

On the downside, there are those who will go against the grain and prefer to keep themselves and others in darkness and stagnation, in fear of change.  There are lots of desperate people out there right now. The economy is rough and not everyone is handling it well (understatement!).

Beware of scams and deceivers.  Also those jealous of your successes, happiness, health, relationships, wealth, etc.   There’s always a flip side.

This is great energy to work with burning away that which no longer serves us and/or transforming it into something that serves us or brings things, people, ideas to light.

Our blessing of living in sunny southern California is a big responsibility.  I see lots of fire in this reading.  Our usual summer fires?  Please be careful. It’s very dry out there.

Governmentally, the people are standing up for themselves. This also seems to be the case in relationships and business.  People are taking a stand.  Where are you standing?  Ready for bridging gaps or causing division?  It’s up to each individual.
Mommy better treat me well, or I will come back to haunt her ;)
This Friday the 13th comes up with lots of “mother energy”.  Mother Earth, Mother Nature and our own mothers.  Hopefully not Jason’s mother! Lol.

Again, that takes me back to the fires.  There is a swiftness along with this “mother energy”.  I hope it’s a swiftness of putting out the fires and not how much earth they consume.  More confirmation, some valor, sorrow and skill coming into play – so please be mindful of your area.  Is it dry?  A little skill and preparation can a long way in preventing any fires around you.

Friday the 13th has usually been pretty great for me.  I have always enjoyed it and look forward to it.  13 is one of my lucky numbers.  Maybe the “nocturnal kind” like it?  It’s the number of my Rebirth card in my Shapeshifter deck.  Go out, have fun.  There is a wealth of fun to be had, beauty to be seen and an abundance of cool people to meet.  Great day to meet freaks like me J

The energy is building again.  It’s gotta bust out somehow.  Why not blow off some steam having fun, instead of waiting till you get all agro?  I am going to. 

Please note, Uranus goes retrograde on Friday the 13th.  You may want to check where Uranus is? *snicker*  In your astrological chart, of course. Lol.  It’s like mercury retro on steroids!  Universal.  More macro than micro. Mine is square with Venus.  Looks like some relationship stuff.  Love relationships and friendships. 

I will be posting again on the 17th, for the energy coming up for the next month.  That will be a regular monthly blog.  Until next time, enjoy life J

BY Kim Renee – Valley Psychic

June Gloom or Summer Joy? 6-16-2012

"The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care."

~ Charles Schultz

June Gloom or Summer Joy?

Hello.  How has your June been so far? Do you see it as June Gloom or Summer Joy? Please take a moment to review the first half of the month.

On June 11th, the 3rd influence of Gemini started, which is “Proportion” in Gemini’s “I Think”.  That is part of Astrology, which isn’t my area . . . . but check it out for yourself.  There is a wealth of information online.

Have you kept things in “Proportion”?  Or are you making mountains out of mole hills? 

It’s all about perspective.  I know you’ve heard it before and will hear it again.  Why do you think that is?

We all have a “universal consciousness”.  If you tap into that and feel the song that the universe is playing, you’ll stay in tune.  When you’re not in tune, there is discord.  Discord is wonderful, if it is brought into harmony before it sets into your physical being. If it is allowed to linger, I believe, this “discord” contributes to illness or dis-ease.   

This brings us back to “proportion”.   Are you keeping things in proportion or making mountains out of mole hills?  Which brings us back to the Charles Shultz quote.  Who in your life really and truly cares for you?  Do you know?  Are you sure?  Reflect on what your heart truly desires, within reason. 

This is a time of reason and thinking.  Take advantage of it, rather than getting tangled up in it.

Hear the tune, join the band and play the song of life.  It’s a blast!

How are you all doing? 5-23-2012

May 23, 2012 – How are you all doing?

Hello Everyone!  How are you all doing?  This is an honest question, feel free to post and converse.

Personally, it’s been quite a ride since August 2011(it was actually prior to that, but I became aware in August). 

In August, I started on a journey of returning to my “true self”, if you will.  My “true heart flame”, “the soul I was born with”.  I have found my “true, whole essence”.

October’s Whirlpool Moon really kicked it into gear.  The energy helped clear away all that was holding me back and weighing me down.

December really slammed me.  That is when I really started to tackle all of my “webs of delusion”.  The “blinding binders”, all the excuses and obstacles that I created for myself due to “fear of abandonment and illusions of isolation”, were being identified.

January was all about reweaving a new web.  Creating my reality based on my renewed & reviewed perspective.  Completely turned my beliefs upside down and downside up. LOL.  It was a very confusing time.  I thought I was going to fall deep into the Rabbit Hole, never to return.

Well I survived January, then February was a trip.  Did anyone see the movie, “August Rush”?  Or watch the show “Touch”?  That is what February was like.  Like watching a grand, cosmic orchestra playing notes that lead us all to where we want to be.  Does that make sense? 

It’s been like that ever since. I find myself having those “ah ha” moments, all day, every day.  Intense, wonderful, exciting, painful, rewarding, beautiful, horrifying, much needed and asked for change and forward movement.  There was a lot of crying, screaming, laughing, wailing, snot running down your face blubbering . . . . all worth it.

During my spiritual journey/personal quest, I have lost 70 lbs. (on purpose), my husband is no longer diabetic, my family has grown much closer and wonderful friends from my childhood are coming back into my life in droves, new wonderful people too. It’s fabulous!
These first five months have gone by so incredibly fast.  I am very excited to see what the rest of 2012 will bring. Are you excited?
As one of my teachers say, “Know it, Grow it and Show it”.  This is in reference to your true self.  I feel like I finally know it again and have been growing it . . . . . . now I am starting to show it.

Do you know yourself?  Do you take responsibility for yourself, your choices and actions?  Do you leave your life in the hands of fate?  Do you go back and forth between the two?  Are you waiting to be saved or trying to save others?

2012 – know yourself very well.  Claim your spirit and your power or something else will ;)

(If you know him, you heard a lot of Orion Foxwood quotes).
Blessings to you and yours on your very personal journey.

Beaten Down? 2-27-12

BEATEN DOWN?  2-27-2012   

Is anyone else out there highly suggestible? Do stage hypnotists LOVE you?  Do they pick you out of a crowd easily? Do you love too much and trust too many, easily . . . . hoping they are as open, honest, loving and loyal as you are?

Does it feel like to play mind games with people in that state, is like kicking a wounded dog that loves and trusts you and returns for more?  Hoping it won’t happen again, then live in fear of the only shelter and love you know?  Are you sure that many people see that in you? Are you treated like human doormat?

Do you feel like you have kicked anyone when they were down?  Do you feel like saying, “I am so deeply sorry and sincerely apologize. It usually wasn’t my intention and if it was, it was either a long time coming or I was angry, confused and coming from a place of desperation and fear.”  I know I do and I am saying this to anyone I have unintentionally hurt.

I honor and move through my feelings from a pure, loving and primal place.  I honor my justified anger as a sign of my boundaries being crossed.

Either way, I hope for much healing to all, love, happiness, peace and joy!  I release fear and unjustified anger from within and around me . . . to be transmuted/transformed into LOVE from my true heart flame that burns within.

Please consider this during 2012. I have a feeling we are all very raw and in need of being open to giving and receiving love.  Also, compassionate and understanding of people honoring their own feelings, without avoiding, stifling or stuffing down your own true feelings.  Tricky, tricky, tricky ;)